Maria Island, Tasmania

Maria Island, Tasmania

April 26, 2024·Jack
The following is a reuplaod of a photo blog post from 2018, lost to the internet in a depricated feature of an old blogging platform. I’ve kept it mostly uneditorialised.

Maria Island, Tasmania

A bushwalk by some tired yet enthusiastic campers

I’d never heard of this place, but of course, I’d just moved here so how would I have?

An early morning gave way to a tired car ride from Hobart and a rushed trip to the local IGA in the tiny town we found ourselves departing from.

Before long, we’d arrive here, at the fossil cliffs, a bit outside the (tiny) main settlement of Darlington. The geologist in me got really excited. More dumb photos in front of rocks.

The Painted Cliffs

Never a better spot for lunch. To sit down and be in awe of the cliffs around us. And to just wonder, confused, astounded, how they came to be. Before getting blasted by the wind and almost losing a pita bread. Moving on.

Many hours of tired trudging through the bushland track, and at the directions of a very kind stranger, we got here. Just in time for sunset and campfire.

These sorts of moments always get me. The last light after sunset, the gentle lapping of waves in the bay. The light glinting off rocks and dancing on the ripples. The quiet. The sound of nothing but the gentle movements of the waves.

The first good campfire in a while. Make expertly by yours truly.

I don’t have many photos from day 2, we were so exhausted and just so relieved to summit Mount Maria, I barely had time to think about any snaps.

Enough time to bask in the last lights of sunset. No words. Too tired to function. Or too stunned to speak.


These photos were all taken on my phone in 2018, just as I was getting in to photography. If you want to see what I’m getting up to now I have an actual camera, check out my portfolio here.