
Maria Island, Tasmania


ℹ️ The following is a reuplaod of a photo blog post from 2018, lost to the internet in a depricated feature of an old blogging platform. I’ve kept it mostly uneditorialised. Maria Island, Tasmania A bushwalk by some tired yet enthusiastic campers I’d never heard of this place, but of course, I’d just moved here so how would I have? An early morning gave way to a tired car ride from Hobart and a rushed trip to the local IGA in the tiny town we found ourselves departing from.

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April 26, 2024

Creating a quick Gantt chart for drilling schedules pt. 2

#python#data visulisation#geology

In part 1 I worked on setting up a Gantt chart to plot executed drilling schedules from a quick drillhole database export. In this post I’ll be elaborating on the python code we wrote to make the chart more presentable, and to add some extra features such as break periods. ℹ️ Check out part 1 to read about the intital set up if you haven’t already. Format x-axis ticks The default x-axis ticks and tick labels are often a bit cluttered and chaotic, so I usually find I have to format them to make it more presentable.

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February 22, 2024

Creating a quick Gantt chart for drilling schedules

#python#data visulisation#geology

A while ago I was writing reports on drill programs, and came across the need to represent the executed drill schedule in a way that was slightly better than a table of dates. I personally find staring at a table of values to be useless, and tend to at the very least conditionally colour cells, if not design a (sometimes elaborate) data visualisation. I have a soft-spot for Gantt charts, and figured the date-organised cascade of actions to be a great candidate for presenting drill scheduling data.

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February 21, 2024